An Observant Eye

Cody has always been a very neat and orderly child. Don’t get me wrong; he gets rough and wild and messy with the best of them, but afterwards, for the most part, he has the inward desire to clean himself up and to pick up after himself. For months now, we have observed him lining everything up, from toys, food, flashcards, etc. This orderliness, along with his observant eye, I believe, will one day make his future wife very happy, or as Shawn has stated, possibly drive her crazy! Cody is very quick to note if I have a new outfit and sweetly says, “Mommy, you look pretty.” So the other day Cody and Anna got some Care Bear fruit snacks as a special treat. Anna gobbled hers up fairly quickly, but Cody took a little longer as he had to take the time to line his all up nicely and perfectly on the breakfast table. There are about 9 to a bag, and Cody eventually finished his tedious work of getting them in order just so. After he had completed lining them up he walked out of the room to get something. Anna must have seen this as her opportunity. She hurriedly went over to the table, ate one of the snacks, and snatched another one just as Cody was walking in. I have never seen Anna move so quickly before; it was as if she knew she only had a brief window of time before he got back! When I saw Cody I downplayed it as if I caught her just in time and was able to save his little Care Bear snack (knowing the whole time she had already eaten one of them). Cody seemed happy that I caught her “in time,” but he quickly got a very puzzled look on his face. Then he said to me, “But where is my pink Care Bear?”! I am telling you, you can not get anything past this little guy!

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