Cheerio Fountain

I spent a good part of last week shopping for Anna as she is growing like a weed, at least her feet definitely are. Since Cody and Anna are VERY easy to shop with and since I was already at the mall I decided to stop in at a store for myself. I found what I wanted quickly and headed back to the dressing room. The drill is I get Cody and Anna out of their stroller, give them a couple books and a little bag of Cheerios for each of them, and they are quite happy. What I didn’t expect was what happened next. Cody called to me in a muffled voice. I looked over, and his mouth was FILLED with Cheerios. He said, “Mommy, I got too much.” He walked over to his stroller as if to spit it out in his cup holder. I told him not to do that; just chew it slowly and it’ll be okay. Like a good boy he tried just that. As I watched him, though, his eyes began to water, and he looked like he might be sick. Just then he let out a tiny cough, and I couldn’t believe what I saw. Cheerios went flying into the air! He let out another little cough and more Cheerios flew. It was the strangest and funniest sight, and I couldn’t make it stop. This continued until almost all his Cheerios had been sent air-born. Needless to say, we spent the next several minutes picking up wet Cheerios and having a talk on portion sizes.

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