Sweet Girl

Anna is my sweet, tenderhearted little girl which is why it made it somewhat difficult to have to put her in her first official time-out this week. Here is what happened…..I was making dinner, and Anna indicated to me she wanted her milk from the refrigerator. Anna likes to do more for herself lately, so whenever we get her milk from the refrigerator now she points to the bottom shelf and taps it several times with her little finger to let us know she would like us to place it there so she can reach it and pull it out. We found it quite cute when she began to do this, and she always looks so pleased. However, she is getting to the point where she is not happy if a drink ever just gets handed to her or even if her drink wasn’t placed precisely where she wanted it on the bottom shelf. She has become somewhat demanding over it, and this is something Shawn and I want to discourage. SO as I got Anna her drink at this particular instance, I think she became upset over the spot I set the milk in the refrigerator. She threw herself a little fit, and whenever I tried to talk to her about it, put reason in her head :), she wanted nothing to do with it. She even slapped the floor several times. It was quite unseemly! I picked her up and talked to her and took her to the other room to serve her time in isolation until she was ready to settle down. When I walked away back to the kitchen I imagined she was probably in the process of scurrying down from the couch to come get me and some comfort. Still I went to the kitchen, got dinner in the oven, and went back to talk to Anna. Unbelievably, I found her still sitting in the same spot, crying softly, and holding her bear blankie (Yes, I backtracked to get her blanket before putting her in time-out. Discipline can be tough on Mommys too!) I was finally able to talk to her about not throwing fits and being nice, and she seemed to take it to heart as much as she could. Then she went off and played balloons happily with Cody. Cody also seemed to be extra loving to Anna afterwards. I am not sure what he thought of her being in time-out. He truly does have a soft spot for her.

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