The World of Boys and Girls

This morning Shawn and I took Cody and Anna to McDonald’s for breakfast. They both love the play area there and socializing with the other children. There were only a few children there when we arrived, but Cody and a little girl about a year older joined up and began playing together. They were having a blast, and as we watched them running all around and crawling through the play area we began listening to them talk. Apparently what was making them laugh so hard was their pretend game they played while going down the enclosed slides together. They were pretending they were being flushed down the toilet! Cody thought this was a real hoot! About 15 minutes later another little girl arrived and began playing with them. The talk soon changed, and you could tell by the expression on Cody’s face that he wasn’t thrilled about the direction this other little girl was taking things. Soon there was talk of playing house, and it was apparent Cody didn’t want any part in this as he befriended a little boy who took off running around with him. However, Anna then became of interest to these two little girls as there must have been a need for a “baby” in this house playing drama. And drama it was. The one little girl took Anna by the hand, led her through the play gym (which is actually pretty big for a 17 month old), and doted on “Baby Anna” the whole time. She was actually very gentle and good to Anna, and was always sweetly asking her if she was scared (which she wasn’t) and also letting her know they were almost to the end of the play equipment. It was so incredibly cute, but at the same time, it was like watching two totally different worlds.

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