Anna Update

Anna seems to be catching on a little more to the potty training process. Although, I haven’t actually worked on it very diligently, as she doesn’t seem completely ready. The other day she came to me to let me know she had to go potty, so I took her, and she seemed to know just what to do! I gave her some candy as a celebratory treat! Anna’s personality is truly blossoming as she grows. She is a fearless little girl, I think in large part due to having a big brother. Anna has also begun talking so much more in these past few weeks and seems to repond better to Cody’s teaching. She and Cody sit together at lunchtime. Cody encourages her to talk and rejoices with her when she finally nails it! Anna likes to blow kisses now and has a little bit of a jealous streak when it comes to mommy time. If she sees Cody come sit on my lap she hightails it over and wiggles her little toosh in right next to him. She is also a little possessive about Shawn giving me hugs and will try to squeeze in front of him to wrap her arms around me. It seems so hard to imagine that one so little could be full of so much life! I feel so blessed to have her and Cody.

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