Heaven On My Mind

Cody is really enjoying his Sunday school class at church. This past Sunday his class went to a big room to watch a puppet show with some of the other children. He tells us all about his morning on our drive home. Right now they have been talking to the children about heaven, and Cody appears to be listening. Last week he was browsing through the pages of one of my cookbooks and began telling a story, “Once upon a time there was a little girl named…..” His story was all about this little girl who wanted to go to heaven. This week I heard Cody in the other room talking about heaven again. I assumed it was another story. This is what he said, “I want to go to heaven. Do you want to come with me to heaven when I go? Okay, Anna, you can come with me to heaven.” That made my heart feel so good to hear Cody talking to his little sister in this way. I am glad he is excited over these things. I continue to pray for both Cody and Anna that they will one day accept the Lord as their Savior. What a day of celebrating that will be!

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