Conversations With The Children

Cody: “Mommy, I like your new skirt!”

Teri: “Thank you, Honey.” (Skirt was a few years old, but he hadn’t seen it in awhile)
Cody looked in awe of me in the skirt and then said to me sweetly, “Mommy, do you want to dance with me?”……….Melted my heart!

Cody: (After seeing a photo of someone’s car asked) “Is that Daddy’s dirty car??” Shawn is not one to take his car in to get washed. Apparently, Cody has taken note!

Cody: “I am a one smart boy!”

Anna: After seeing Cody totally wipe out on the kitchen floor Anna responded immediately with a lighthearted, “Sooorrry!”

Anna: After seeing Cody bonk his head on the doorframe Anna went up to him, rubbed his back, and said several times, “Awww! Awww!”

Anna: Being told by Cody that she had to wait in her seat at the dinner table until everyone was finished, Anna responded with, “Coooddy! Done.” We hear our names drawn out occasionally from Anna when telling her something she doesn’t want to hear, “Coooddy, Mooommy, Daaaddy.”

Anna: She has a pretty good knowledge of her colors now, so I am hoping this was just a goof!?……When pointing at my teeth she said, “Brown!” I assured her they were white, but she insisted they were brown! 🙂 I think I may stop at the store this week to pick up some whitening strips just in case!

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