Some Favorite and Not So Favorite Foods

Anna is such a good eater for us. She will try just about everything, but she is definitely our fruit girl! Her favorites are mandarin oranges, strawberries, and grapes. Tonight, though, we discovered a food she does not like…..sour cream. This afternoon we stopped in at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants in the area. There was a small crowd there when we arrived. Towards the end of the meal Cody asked if he could have Anna’s sour cream. She had already told us she was done eating and hadn’t touched one bit of her sour cream, so we told Cody, “yes.” We gave him a big forkful of the sour cream, but Anna got a look of injustice in her little eyes. She protested that it was her sour cream, and to prove it, or for spiteful reasons, she grabbed her fork and took a big heaping of the sour cream into her mouth………What an awful face she made! She hadn’t even swallowed yet, but just the taste of it played tricks with her mind. She began making some awful, disgusting noises and then threw up right at the table. I felt so sorry for the people behind us! I cleaned her up and gave her a drink, and after a few minutes, got the courage up to look around to see who was in ear shot of it all. Thankfully, most people had gone by then (hopefully, not due to Anna)! Her clothes are in the laundry now, and Anna, I am sure, will stay away from sour cream for awhile!

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