Happy Birthday, Cody

Today Cody turned 4 years old! It seems hard for me to believe! How fast these past years have gone! I wanted to share a few pictures from his party. He told me about a month before his birthday that, “This is going to be my best party ever!” Thankfully, he is pretty easy to please! This year on his birthday wish list was a helmet and some plastic snakes that he saw at the store and got his hopes up to own. Funny how such little things mean so much to little boys! He received both and was a happy camper. Check out the photo taken of Anna in her princess dress, holding Cody’s bug vacuum (Such a cute gift from Grandma and Grandpa! This is providing such fun entertainment!) Anyways, this photo couldn’t have captured Anna any better, our little girly girl/tomboy. Thanks, Dad, for capturing her so perfectly in this photo! Happy Birthday, Cody! We love you so much!

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