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June 2008

Makin’ A Splash

Tonight around dinnertime we discovered an amazing park we had heard mention of a few weeks ago. We set up our picnic …

Father’s Day

On Father’s Day I caught another glimpse of how fortunate I am to have Shawn. Shawn hadn’t even gotten out of bed …

Our Little Boy’s Prayer

This morning at breakfast Cody asked to pray. This was what was on his heart this morning…..”Dear, Jesus, thank You that my …

Sprinkler Fun

Our sprinkler system is finally installed, and we are all enjoying it this summer…….ALL of us!

Photo Shoot

Yay! We finally have internet connection after going almost a week without it. I have quite a few posts I want to …

Question Of The Day

Anna awoke this morning and asked me first thing where her daddy was. I told her he already went into work. Her …