Today’s Quotes

We drove over to a friend’s house the other morning. As we approached the house their neighbor’s tree in the front yard stood out to us immediately as it was covered in toilet paper from the night before. When Cody saw it he stared at it in awe and said, “Look at that BEAUTIFUL tree! That is NEAT! That is really NEAT!” I have visions of him in his teenage years with the same excitement on his face targeting all of his friends’ homes!

I found Anna the other day pacing the floor repeating something over and over again. I walked closer to hear what she was happily expressing. In her words, “I’m walking for Jesus! I’m walking for Jesus! I’m walking for Jesus!” I imagine she came up with this from something her teacher probably did with the children. However, I couldn’t help but picture her standing on a busy street in downtown as the little “preacher girl” as she marched along with such zeal!

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