An Almost Perfect Day

Today was so relaxing. We started off going to the library to get books and videos. The library is a favorite place for our little ones. I seriously think we probably leave with more material than most people; it’s crazy! Cody and Anna both get their own bag to carry on the way out to the car. They are such great helpers. Then we stopped in at a favorite restaurant across the street and grabbed a bite for lunch. We walked over to the ice cream shop later and got some yummy dessert, and afterwards Cody and Anna dipped their little toes in the fountain that sits in the middle of the boardwalk. This afternoon we headed to the pool, and Cody and Anna had fun riding on their daddy’s back as they practiced their swimming techniques. It was a wonderful day just enjoying time together. Right before bathtime Cody and Anna headed outside to tell Shawn something. On their way in, Anna skipped along the pavement back towards the house but stumbled as she was trying to carry two of her new library books. I think the excitement and activity in the day must have tired her out because she couldn’t seem to get past her boo-boos. Usually she is consoled very quickly, but at one point in the bathtub she just yelled at her scraped kness and shouted out in desperation, “I don’t like you boo-boos! I don’t like you boo-boos!” I have never heard Anna talk this way before. She walked around the rest of the evening like a little old grandma as she shuffled her little feet oh so gingerly as to not upset her bad knees. We read stories before bedtime, and she seemed happy to be tucked into bed. Hopefully she will have some sweet dreams of the fun parts of her day. And now I am up later than I had hoped waiting for some bread to come out of the oven. You see, I already waited for it an hour just to open the oven door to find the oven had been turned off at some point. Frustration. So now I sit here waiting…………….Good time to post a few pictures. (smile)

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