Some Angry Wasps

My baby girl got her first encounter with some grumpy wasps this morning and ended up with a sting on her leg and a sting on her finger. Poor girl. We were over at a neighbor’s house playing, and she walked into their playhouse that sits right next to the patio. I heard her panicked cry and ran over to her just in time to see 3 or 4 wasps in there with her and Anna holding her hands up in front of herself to shield from being stung again……..It was quite sad. I scooped her up, and my neighbor made a homemade concoction which seemed to really soothe, and I gave her some Benadryl as her little finger began to swell. She cuddled the whole rest of the morning with me. When we came inside at lunchtime she saw our dog and relayed her ordeal to him by saying sweetly, “You not brave. I was so brave.” She then began to question me on the friendliness of all bugs, flies and mosquitos for starters. Then I caught her with my wooden cooking spoon banging the floor telling me she was going to get those spiders (no, we didn’t really have any at the time, but she was on the hunt!) It was quite a morning for her.

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