Getting The Point Across

Anna has been corrected in the past for telling Cody things he can and can not do, simple things like needing to finish his dinner before getting up from the table, etc. We tell her not to do that as that is Mommy and Daddy’s job, and it is not very nice to Cody. So for the past few months she has discovered a clever way to get around that minor detail of telling her brother what to do. Now instead of telling Cody not to sing a certain song or anything else she deems necessary to say she voices it something like this, “Stop it, Spider” or “You have to finish eating, Spider.” When Shawn or I cast a glance over at her she just says in an innocent, shocked voice, “No, I didn’t say Cooody. I said Spiiiider.”………….Whatever were we thinking?! (smile) Oh, the mind of a two year old!

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