Little Sponges
Yesterday I was sitting with Anna on our bench outside by the sand box. I had placed a sand toy on the bench that didn’t work like it was supposed to. It wasn’t a very good design we learned from our first trial run with it. It was cheap, so what do you expect, I guess? Anyways, Anna picked it up and revealed to me a word I didn’t know she knew. She looked at it and grumbled under her breath, “Stupid toy. That’s a stupid toy.” Whoa! I was taken off guard and made her repeat herself to make sure I heard her right. I got a chuckle from it as my mind backtracked about 3 days before to Shawn telling me about something that didn’t work right and was poorly designed. I recall him also calling the object stupid. I thought at the time that I didn’t like him saying it just in case Anna or Cody picked it up, but they didn’t “appear”
to be listening……..apparently I was wrong! (smile)
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