My Trip To The Dentist

Today, Cody, was your first dental checkup. You did fantastic and were so brave. Even the dentist commented on how brave you were, and again I saw just how much you are growing into a strong, independent boy. When you first headed back to the office with the dental assistant, you took one look back at me and motioned with your hand very discreetly for me to come along back there with you. You loved the dentist and his assistant. They were so encouraging and even let Anna help assist them in the process…….they were so sweet with the two of you. When you were given your choice of flouride flavors you went with the marshmallow flavor…..a small detail but one I want to remember as you love marshmallows at this age! When you were done getting your teeth cleaned Anna was so impressed with you that she commented to me, “Cody did a GOOD job!” She looked in awe as she asked you all about it. Then you and Anna got to pick out a toothbrush and toy. You picked the Mater brush from Cars and a little blue race car toy. Afterwards you kept asking me if I wanted to see your teeth and then proceeded to flash me your handsome smile. You did awesome and no cavities! We celebrated at McDonald’s when we left and ran into a friend of yours at the indoor playground. It was a great first dental appointment!

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