Gone to The Dogs

We had just gotten home from a nice dinner out with some friends. We got Cody and Anna tucked into bed, and I sat down to watch the last part of the presidential debate. I had just sat down and was listening to the first question when our dog began banging on the washing machine (his way of letting me know he needed more food and water.) He continued as if he was starving, but I called out to him to wait a minute, that usually buys me about half a minute from him. Pretty soon I heard the sound of something crunching, maybe ripping. Concerned as to what kind of mischief Tigger couold have gotten himself into, I hurried into the kitchen. There I found a desperate (come on, he was only out of food for a brief hour) dog staring intently at Cody’s artwork on the refrigerator. Cody must have seen his artwork had dried, so he hung it up with a magnet on our fridge all by himself, perfect eye level for our dog. Cody’s masterpiece………the letter C which we are working on this week……..made completely out of Cheerios! Now I need to do a little repair work before our proud boy wakes.

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