You Brighten My Day

This week Cody has been extra affectionate and kind. Yesterday he brightened my day with all he had to say. It started in the morning when he quietly tip-toed out of my room with me after seeing Daddy was sleeping in. He looked back at Shawn and asked, “Will Daddy have sweet dreams?” Downstairs I saw him make such a conscious effort to do good. I gave him 4 chocolate Hershey kisses, and after he ate them he said, “Now, Mommy, can I have 4 kisses from YOU?” At dinner we began talking about Thanksgiving, so I asked Cody what he was thankful for, and without missing a beat or any help from me he said, “I am thankful for God who made my trees outside.” Anna gave thanks for family members whom she said were “nice!” Then right before bedtime Cody ran through the house in his briefs shouting, “I’m an underwear man! I’m an underwear man!” repeatedly. It’s the simple things.

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