Best of Friends

Today was pure joy. An absolute perfect day with my kiddos. The funny little sayings that were continually coming from their little mouths……….They can be so witty for being so young. Even the sweet words today again reminded me of their very tender, beautiful hearts. Our morning started off with some playtime in the snow. As soon as Cody and Anna came downstairs this morning they were begging to go out and play. They had fun throwing snowballs with me and playing with our dog. They also enjoyed some good snow cones! We came inside and had hot chocolate, and Cody and Anna got a huge case of the giggles as Cody tried to convince Anna to eat some squash casserole! Lunchtime can be so comical with the two of them. Later we made it to my doctor appointment and received a good report on their little brother. We came home and snuggled up together to watch Christmas movies. I love snow days like this one.

Here is a brief picture of the start of my day…….This morning Cody came to breakfast wearing his new Cars sunglasses he received in our advent calendar. He asked me as he was about to eat his monkey bread, “Mommy, can I pray with my eyes open this time because my sunglasses are kind of dark, so I don’t need to close my eyes.” A short time later I could hear Anna running through the house chanting, “Go, Anna, go! Go, Anna, go!” The whole day was filled with these wonderful thoughts and rambunctious ways. I love hearing what is going on inside their little minds.

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