Freshly Amazed

We have officially less than two months left until our baby boy’s arrival, and I am freshly amazed of the miracle of life. A month or two ago I was in awe of the changes in our little boy’s development just in a week’s time period. It literally seemed like one week I could feel the movements ever so slightly but longed to feel them stronger just so I “knew” those tiny flutters were really him. Almost a week or two later there was no doubt that those little twitches were from the life inside of me, but I still looked forward to when Shawn and Cody and Anna could actually feel those same little kicks. Very shortly, that wish came true, and Cody and Anna gasped when they felt the first movements themselves. Cody became extremely affectionate toward his baby brother and would come up frequently to kiss and snuggle his cheek on my tummy. Then it seemed like just a week later Shawn and I were laughing on a car ride home as we could literally see my shirt poking out quickly and frequently as the baby tried to adjust. I am completely in awe of our amazing and wonderful God! I wish everyone could see the wonder of these little babies, the innocence, the life that truly does exist. “For You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” ~Psalm 139:13-14

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