Full Tummies

Yesterday we made it to the church bright and early for their annual pancake and bacon breakfast. Cody and Anna had fun playing with Cody’s friends there. They chased each other all over the large fellowship room, giggling the whole way. The girls in Cody’s class really dote on Anna and love taking care of her. Anna eats up all the attention and feels like one of the big girls. They sang carols while there and read the Christmas story. On our way home, I remembered that Santa Claus was visiting in our subdivision that morning, so we stopped in to visit him and Cody and Anna’s neighborhood friends. Cody and Anna think Santa is just the nicest guy as he gave them each their own candy cane. There were donuts for all the children and their parents, so Cody and Anna received two breakfasts that morning! Needless to say, they weren’t at all hungry for lunch. It was a good time of food and fellowship.

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