Little Comedian

Cody’s choir sang this week for their Christmas concert/journey. Boy, how Cody’s comic personality shines when he gets in front of an audience! He didn’t hold back in answering questions about the story of Christmas, but what made everyone laugh was his humor at the end of several songs. During one song, the children pretended to rock baby Jesus ever so gently. As the music was fading out, Cody’s arms fell toward the floor and he opened his fingers up gently and announced in an ornery fashion, “Oops! I dropped my baby!” The next room that he sang in, he was given a paper camel taped to a craft stick that he pretended to ride. As they sang one of the songs, though, the children placed their camels on the floor in front of them, so they could do the motions. After the song ended, Cody raised his hand. The teacher called on him, and Cody with that same silly expression pointed down to the ground in a funny gesture to tell everyone he just stepped on his camel. The room erupted with laughter! Thankfully, we got all of this on video this time as writing it doesn’t do it justice. His gestures, expressions, and tone of voice all made it hilarious. He was very obviously trying to humor the audience, and it came so naturally. I enjoy watching Cody’s personality as he grows. He is maturing so much this past month.
Also, thought I would throw in a few photos from some fall activities with friends. We all roasted smores around a bonfire, carved pumpkins, went on a hayride, and the children got to jump in a huge leafpile that was filled with prizes hidden within. Cody and Anna also got to drive a tractor while there which they thought was very cool.

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