Money Well Spent

I was at Target the other day in the children’s shoe section. I was stocking up on shoes as they were marked down to unbelievable prices! I found some adorable boots for Anna that I had my eye on awhile back. They were marked down so cheap, I literally left the store feeling that huge shopping high! Anyways, I also saw some light-up tennis shoes I thought Cody might enjoy. I just didn’t realize how MUCH they would mean to him. When giving them to him it was a mixture of joy mingled with a tiny bit of sadness as I watched his reaction. Trust me he was OVERJOYED. He had never had light-up shoes before, and he couldn’t stop talking about them! He hugged me like a million times and told me how much he loved me, and I even got that adoring look from his eyes. But what made me feel an eensy bit sad was when he exclaimed, “Mommy, I’ve never had light-up shoes before! The other boys and girls had them, but I’ve never gotten any!” My heart broke a little in that instance. Had he really noticed other light-up shoes before on other children and secretly wished his mommy had bought him some too? I see the boy and girls in his class, and I don’t recall many of them having those type of shoes. I don’t truly believe he ever actually felt like he was missing out on something extra special. But still, as a mom, it crushed my heart a little. He wore them up until bedtime, and when he came into our room the next morning he was wearing them with his pajamas. I asked a couple of my girlfriends that day if they had ever bought their boys light-up shoes in the past to which they said they hadn’t. Oddly, that gave me some comfort. (smile) The funny things you worry about as a mom.

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