What Kind Of Balloon Are You?

At the grocery store Cody noticed a large balloon in the shape of a football that he declared he would like to have. Anna also announced that she would like one too. Cody told Anna she might need a dfferent one and began to search through all the balloons to see which one would be most suitable for her. He finally found it, the perfect one…….A big, bright smiley face balloon for her. He said to her very sweetly, “Anna, you can have a smiley face balloon because you smile ALL the time!” How true this is. Anna is definitely my happy little girl. We are always amazed at how she can be woke up at any point, no matter how tired, and still have a smile on her face. She possesses such a loving, giving, compassionate heart. Anna, you are never too young or too small to teach others a positive attitude. Thank you for the joy you bring to all of us.

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