In One Ear, Out The Other

I was extremely grateful for my parents coming to care for Cody and Anna during my stay at the hospital. I had no worries about having to make arrangements for them if Dylan decided to make his appearance in the middle of the night. Also, I had such peace knowing they were loved and cared for and with Grandma and Grandpa. While here, my dad teased Cody one evening at the dinner table. Cody whispered a secret into Anna’s ear, and my dad, sitting on the other side of Anna, told Cody he heard the whole secret because Cody forgot to cover her other ear and the secret came out the ear closest to my dad. We all laughed a little, as well as Cody, but I didn’t realize how seriously he took Grandpa until they had gone back home and I was brushing Anna’s hair one morning. Anna and I were playing a finding game while I brushed her hair. I said, “I see something that is green,” and Anna tried her best to figure out what it could be. Seeing she was stumped, Cody assisted her and whispered the answer “towel” in her ear. After he helped her he took me off guard by reassuring me that his secret answer was safe because he remembered this time to close her other ear so the secret wouldn’t get out. (smile) He took his hand against Anna’s ear and demonstrated it for me. His eyes were so earnest as he expressed this new-found wisdom. Who knew Grandpa’s words had so much pull with Cody?………Because if Grandpa said it, it MUST be true. (smile)

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