Welcome Little Dylan!

Dylan Matthew, you were born Friday, February 6 at 7:28pm weighing 8 lbs. 7 ounces and measuring 22 1/4 inches long. The moment I saw you my eyes filled with tears that could not be held back. I loved you instantly. Even today as I write I should probably be resting but find it hard to sit back and close my eyes as they are fixed on you. You are so beautiful and perfect in every way. I am in awe that you are mine. Last night was your first night home with us, and as we paced the floor in the night together I was touched by the bond we shared. The way you wanted your head tucked so gently underneath my chin so you could feel the closeness of my skin against yours, the way you settled down as I sang to you, and the way you preferred Daddy’s side to snuggle up against rather than your bassinet……..I am reminded how blessed I am to relish in these moments. Today I couldn’t sleep as I looked at all the intricacies that make you YOU. The little tuft of hair God left on your sweet, tiny ear, the extra folds of skin on the back of your head that wrinkle while you rest on your side. How you look so TINY yet too big that you could possibly have fit so perfectly inside me over these past 9 months……the miracle of life just amazes me! I love how Cody and Anna proudly showed you off to their friend today. I love how easily and naturally they have taken you in as their baby brother! You will all have so much fun creating memories together. I am thankful for the blessing of being able to bring another little child into our family and so thankful for your daddy who works so hard that I can stay home with my sweet little angels. You lay your head on me right now, and I listen to your soft whispered breaths. It saddens me how swiftly time can pass us by. I want to be sure my focus is aligned and that I don’t ever take one day with you for granted. I love you all so much. It pierces my heart. Dylan, you are my precious early Valentine. Hugs and Kisses, Honey……Love, Mommy

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