The One Who Wears Daddy’s Genes

Tonight as I was finishing up Cody’s bath I could hear Shawn downstairs playing some Casting Crowns for Dylan as the music seems to soothe. Shawn played his guitar earlier in the day for the children and sang some favorites of ours. As I listened to the songs tonight coming out of our speakers (and also from Shawn) I began to sing along softly upstairs. Cody said, very sweetly I might add, “Mommy could you not do that?” Then he cupped his hand to his ear and said, “I am trying to hear Daddy sing.” Talk about deflating one’s ego if I had one! Then as I dried Cody off he told me, “I can’t wait to go downstairs and hear that beautiful song!” And I realized in that instant just how very much a daddy means to a little boy. I listened as Cody sang along with Shawn, and I listened earlier as Cody expressed pride in his daddy to his neighbor friend tonight. Cody, I am so glad you crave your time with Daddy. You are both quite a pair, and I see so many similarities in you both. I got a chuckle tonight as Anna asked you not to repeatedly tap your pencil on the car window. A short moment later Daddy also began tapping on the steering wheel, and I reminded him that he made you stop tapping out of courtesy to Anna! You favor him in so many ways, and I love that about you. Thank you for the fun singing today. I love you dearly.

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