Turning Three

Anna Grace, you turned three years old this month. To me you are aleady looking a little taller, talking a little more like the big girls, and just plain growing more independent. Truthfully, Anna, as I look at you some days you just take my breath away. You have such cute little girly ways, but I see you maturing, and I know that if I close my eyes for too long you will be all grown up. I am amazed how quickly these three years have gone by. I remember your Daddy and I receiving the news from the ultrasound technician, “It’s a girl!” I walked out into the waiting room and sat there stunned and with the most tranquil feeling in the world. Ah, a girl! A GIRL! I told your Daddy I never knew just how much I wanted a girl until that very moment. I loved everything that having a little girl was going to mean. And when you were born you looked so beautiful and had the most beautiful eyes and lashes, still do. You were such an easy baby and made the most dreamy little sighs when being held that were so adorable to hear, like little angel breaths from heaven. Now fast forward about 9 months or so. It was the middle of the night, and I remember your daddy jumping out of bed startled. We hurried to your room and found you having a fever induced seizure. We called the paramedics as you were not responding at all. As we held your tiny, limp body and listened to those eery cries, I couldn’t help but sense a fear I had never known before. I had no idea that parenting could create such horrifying fears in a person. How can one person love a tiny little being SO MUCH? But, Anna, I do. I love your sweet, tender spirit. I love that your favorite color is pink. I love that you love shoes and spinning in your pretty dresses, but I also love that you enjoy just as much being silly and rambunctious with your brother, jumping in puddles in your Sunday best, and your fearless ways that keep me in a state of nervousness many days. Right now a few of your favorite things are singing, dreaming of kitty cats, baby dolls, riding bikes, and, of course, your big brother Cody. The other day Daddy and I smiled as we heard you saying to Cody, “I just love you, Cody. I pwomise. I pwomise I love you!” Anna, there is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful that God has given you to us. You are my joy, my love, my sweet, gentle princess. I love you, Honey. Happy birthday, Sweetheart.

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