5 Months

Today Dylan turns five months old. His little personality shines through more and more each month. He is still a very happy, smiley little boy. Sometimes Shawn and I can hardly believe he is a tiny little baby with the way he responds to us. He seems too wise to be so small. Right now I love being attacked by his slobbery kisses in the mornings. He is so sweet to grab our cheeks throughout the day even and kiss (or lick) us up! He has a new habit of holding his tiny ear while eating or drifting off to sleep. It is so precious to watch. He also loves to hold on very tightly to us now, so we have to watch him around Cody and Anna as hair can get pulled and arms can get pinched! Cody and Anna are so wonderful with him, though. Just today they were excitedly telling a complete stranger all about their special baby brother. We are so proud of you, Dylan!

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