Day of Firsts

Today was a day of firsts. Cody started Kindergarten today and loved it! I was a little apprehensive about how today would go. We decided to homeschool, and Cody has been so excited to start school ever since his curriculum arrived weeks ago. He even asked to take a nap the other day in hopes school would get here sooner if he did! I was afraid he had built kindergarten up to be something more grand than he would actually find it to be, so I was so happy when he LOVED it today! As we were getting ready this morning I was taken by surprise when I laid Dylan down on the floor for a minute. I looked over and saw him crawl for the first time, headed straight for Cody’s marble race game! Okay, it was an army crawl, but STILL crawling, nonetheless! Then after school this morning we rode bikes and headed to the library. I let Dylan play with my hand as I looked for books on the bottom shelf. Dylan began biting down on my finger and….Ouch! Those little gummy chompers hurt a bit. I peeked in, and, sure enough, he had gotten his first tooth! This was a fabulous day for me! My sweet boys are growing up!

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