Lions and Tigers and Bears

I guess it had been too long since we had visited our zoo. I realized this as Cody became cautious when approaching the bears. “Will they eat me?,” he asked. Dylan, on the other hand, was more impressed with people-watching than anything. We tried to get him to look at the bears, but the people around him were more entertaining, I guess. As we were leaving the cafe at lunchtime, Cody and Anna stopped to watch a peacock sitting by some plants. They sat there a LONG time, and when we finally said it was time to keep moving, Cody let us know that they were afraid of missing the egg hatch (apparently, they thought the peacock was sitting on an egg the whole time). It was a fun visit. We actually went several weeks ago, but Anna talks about it almost everyday still! We must not let too much time go before our next trip to the zoo.

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