Who Will Pick Me Up?

Today I remembered a conversation Cody and I had several months ago. Cody was given a book from a special teacher of his. The book is called “My Grandma’s Angels.” It was written by a friend of her daughter’s when she was very young. This little girl had a dream one night that the angels had come to take her grandma to Heaven. She describes in detail the dream and how her Grandmother got to tell her goodbye. The next morning her family was sad, and the little girl was told that her Grandmother had passed away that very night! She already knew, of course, and told her family all about the dream God had given her. I think this book was probably on Cody’s mind a few nights later when Anna began excitedly talking about how fun and wonderful Heaven will be. Cody persistently asked me, “But what if I fall down, Mommy? Who will pick me up?” I smiled and told him that there is no pain in Heaven and that I could pick him up. He kept trying to make me understand, but I was unaware of his real concern. Then his eyes filled with tears, and he explained it once more. See, he was afraid that I would go on to Heaven without him, ahead of him. Who was going to pick him up if he fell here on earth?

Honestly, I think about that moment with Cody quite often. His tears. His fear at the thought of not having me here. Truth is, there are some days when being a mommy is just plain hard work. Some days can feel so mundane, and I wonder what kind of impact am I having. By day’s end, I am exhausted but not exactly sure what it is I accomplished. Today was a bit that way. Anna’s feelings seemed to hurt so easily today. Her finger got pinched in the door. She stood right beside me as I watched her suddenly stumble into the patio chair making a nice little knot on her cheek, a nice compliment to her bruised eye from the previous night. Cody needed lots of help building his Lego house and ambulance today. There was much searching of the house for some smallish parts that had wandered off. Dylan preferred being held today and made multi-tasking a wee bit challenging. But, I realized, it’s those little things….and how one responds…that are leaving an impact on these tender little lives. It’s the hurts that need a simple hug, the boo-boos that need a soft kiss, a gentle voice and a little patience when one is learning life’s skills, the unconditional love when one desires your undivided attention. I am leaving my impact everyday on these young lives. And, though, it may not always seem like much…there is no other job that pays as high as this, no reward any greater than knowing your life matters to another. That you bring joy, that you bring comfort, that you bring security.
So tonight I remember Cody’s words and know that today I left an imprint on your hearts. I love you, three, and am so blessed to get to be your Mommy today. No greater satisfaction in all the world!

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