911…We Have an Emergency

Today I was having Cody practice (with my turned off cell phone) when and how to call 911. We went over situations that would be considered emergencies and practiced the whole dialing and communicating your name, address and phone number to the dispatcher. He seemed to grasp pretty well what would be classified as an emergency except for when he asked me if running out of food was an emergency. I told him in that case we should probably get in the car and head for the grocery store.(smile) In one scenario he told the pretend dispatcher his friend Michael was hit by a car. Another that his friend was lost and in another call to 911 that his barn was on fire and the animals were going to die. He really came up with some valid emergencies I thought. Then Anna asked to try her hand at it…”Hello. 911.” Anna…”Yes, my barn is lost and the animals can’t find me. Oh, and they are going to die!”

Better keep the phone out of her reach for awhile! (smile)

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