
Tonight as I was closing the bedroom door, Cody said to me before laying his head on his pillow, “Mom, I wish, I just wish, my teeth would fall out.” Then I saw him blow into his cupped hand and afterwards peek into it as if checking to see if he could blow them out. We discussed the tooth fairy.

Later, much later, Anna and Cody could be heard giggling excessively. Anna came downstairs in a delarious, sleepy state and said rather loudly and boldly (she is not to be up and out of bed at that hour,) “Mom!?” I responded, “Yes.” Then she gracefully yet firmly drops her hand downward toward the stair she is standing on and announces her grand introduction……”This is Tinkerbell!” I see nothing, of course. Anna trots happily back up the stairs and into bed. I sat baffled. One would almost think she was sleep-walking. Funny little children tonight.

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