Little Swindler

Tonight Cody and Anna were waiting for Shawn and me to come in to their bedroom and hear “just one more song” they had made up before falling asleep. Shawn was trying to get a shower as he coached Cody’s soccer team this evening, so by the time we got into the room it was well past Cody and Anna’s bedtime. They both sang to us their beautiful words, and then Shawn told Cody no more songs. Cody said, “Well, this is your last chance to get one of my quarters if you don’t let me sing it again.” As tempting as that offer was, Shawn held his ground, tears welling up in his eyes over Cody’s surprise bargaining tactic. “Daaaad, this is your last chance. You won’t have another chance to buy my money if you don’t hear my song.” Persistent little kindergartener!

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