Strange Things Are Happening Around Here

Yesterday I had a bizarre sort of day. Things just took me a little off guard, felt a little strange. At one point I was getting Dylan’s clothes from his drawer. I had set Dylan on the floor behind me. He only army crawls still, but I turned around to check on him. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw his miniature little diaper-clad body just happily bouncing away as he STOOD by the bed! He was holding on to the blankets for some support, but still this came as such a surprise! I called for Cody to bring me my camera. I knew Shawn would want to see this. However, I was too afraid to leave him unattended to snap his picture. He looked so cute as he happily bopped up and down, looking like he was right where he wanted to be. Later in the afternoon I plugged in my camera battery into the wall to charge. I walked away and had my back to the counter. I hear a small voice say, “Can-Non.” I stood frozen for a second realizing my “baby boy” Cody just read the brand of digital camera I own. I didn’t know he could process larger words like that yet. I gave him a big hug. He knew he had done something great.

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