Purple Tigers

Cody’s fall soccer wrapped up several months ago, but I wanted to share a couple photos taken by my dad when he and Grandma, Uncle Wade, and Aunt Kelli came for a visit. The most significant change this season was how aggressive and confident Cody was during games. He was not at all timid to get in there and claim the ball. He loves soccer, and I think it is a great sport for him as it requires a lot of running, something that he totally enjoys. He actually would try to chase cars as they would come down our street this summer. This challenge was not something that I felt was the best means of fun, so, needless to say, I discouraged that type of play ASAP. 🙂 BUT I will say, he is pretty fast! The last game of the season almost canceled due to rain. However, the fields stayed playable but only one other player showed up despite the few sprinkles we were getting. Cody and this other boy played two on two with the other team. The other team was very good, as we played them in a past game, but Cody and Drew made them work really hard. So many people came up to me to tell me what a great player Cody was…the other team could rotate other players in, but Cody and Drew played the entirety by themselves. They got quite the workout and gave their very best, and after each play Cody made everyone laugh by asking, “Is it snacktime yet?” Great job, Purple Tiger! I had fun cheering you on!

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