Anna Funnies

Ever since Christmas Anna has loved the song “Hark the Herald.” After naptime, you can hear her soft, angelic voice singing tenderly the carol as she comes down the stairs. Shawn and I were greatly amused as we listened to her belting out the words one day. To us it sounded very much like, “Joyful all ye naked rise…!” Later as we were in the car, I asked her to say it plainly to me. Apparently, she was singing, “Joyful all ye naki fries.” Her version is way too cute to correct!

The other day, as I was helping Anna off with her snowsuit, she asked me (seeming greatful for my help), “Mommy, did we buy you or did Daddy buy you?” There was a brief pause as she thought about her question, “I think it was Daddy that buy you.” (smile)
*Picture taken at a children’s science center…static electricity ball. Yes, we do brush her hair when we take her out!

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