Harmony Bear

Over a week ago Anna was given Harmony Bear for a whole week. Harmony Bear is sort of the mascot bear for her children’s choir, and it was Anna’s turn to welcome her into our home. This little bear came with its backpack, CD full of its favorite songs and stories, rhythm sticks, and a scarf to dance with. Anna was to give Harmony Bear back at the week’s end. She did all sorts of fun things with Harmony Bear that week, and every night this soft, cuddly bear could be found nestled safely in bed with Anna. Anna truly loved this bear and made her feel right at home, a part of the family. In fact, she grew to love her so much that the last evening with Harmony Bear, Anna came into the kitchen as I was making dinner. Her voice was shaking, and she had crocodile tears rolling down her cheeks. Harmony Bear was hugged tightly to her chest. “Mommy, I don’t want to give Harmony Bear back. I love her.” I don’t know if I have ever heard Anna cry over something like a toy before. She was visibly shaken as it was hard for her to take steady, even breaths. She told me she was afraid she would never see Harmony again. She was nervous about which child would get Harmony Bear next and whether they would take good care of her. It tore at my heart to see her so afraid of missing. So I hugged her and talked with her about it. We took a quick little photo shoot with Harmony Bear, and we talked about the fun times we had with her. Anna cheered up, and she was so happy to come back from choir and tell me that Bryson got Harmony Bear for that week. Bryson’s Mom was Anna’s teacher last year and was so gentle and nurturing. Anna knew Harmony would be in good hands. This little bear was just another reminder of Anna’s sweet, sweet spirit, her tender heart, and her concern for others. I love my beautiful little princess.

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