One Year Old

Today you turned one, Dylan. Where did the time go? I have loved this year with you immensely. I am so in awe of you. Who are you going to be? Your personality shines through more and more each day. You are funny, silly, energetic, affectionate, my sweet babe. I laugh at how you keep me moving. You haven’t sat through one of your books in entirety yet because your mind is so curious. You clearly want to investigate the book for yourself. I can barely rock you in your rocking chair long enough to sing through one lullaby. You have a little wiggle worm inside of you. But you do take time for hugs and love to lay your head on my shoulder when you are in my arms. Car rides you look behind your seat for me and wish to hold my finger in your hand, and that is how we roll on road trips…not the most comfortable for me, really, but I wouldn’t trade it at all. I love that you feel secure that way. On your birthday you are walking about 4 or 5 steps on your own. You are getting braver everyday. You have said the words, Momma, Dadda, Tigger, ball, dirt, and hot wheels already. (I know. That last one shocked us too, but you heard Cody’s toy say it, and you repeated it plain as day. Daddy and I laughed to hear your tiny voice utter` such big-boy words.) You love all sorts of food right now. Bananas and peaches are favorites as well as sweet potatoes. You are growing so strong, and I love how you play with Cody and Anna now as if you are as big as them.

The other day my friend gave me some photos taken months ago during the summer. They were from your baby dedication. During the dedication our pastor asked where Dylan Young was. I held you up high for all to see. He read a letter (just one that day), and he read it to YOU. As I listened to what he wrote to you tears fell gently down my cheek. You were just a tiny babe then, but my heart looked to your future. I love you so much. I thought I would post his letter to you. I pray for the day when you can open it personally. I love you, Sweetheart. Happy Birthday!

“Dear Dylan,
I have asked your parents to give this letter to you on the day you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. Praise the Lord! You have just made the most important decision of your life.

Dylan, I gave this letter to your parents on the day they dedicated you to the Lord. You were very little then. What a joy it was to see them as they brought you forward in the service! They thanked God for giving you to them. They committed to pray for you. They promised to do their very best to try to raise you in a home where Jesus would be loved and God would be honored. We all prayed that one day you would be saved.

Now you have made that all-important commitment of your life to Christ. You have turned from your sins and trusted Jesus to forgive you and give you the gift of eternal life. We will see each other in heaven! The Bible says in Luke 15:10 that ‘there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.’ Heaven is happy today because you have been saved!

Time changes a lot. By the time you read this letter many things in your life will have changed from the way they were on August 8, 2009. You may not live in____, and I may be in heaven with the Lord as you read this letter. But one thing will always be the same: God will always love you, and He will always care for you. Don’t ever forget that.
Live your life for Jesus, and be true to Him. And always remember that, when you were just a baby, the____ Church of ____ prayed you would make the decision for Christ that you made today.”
*This first picture makes me smile. Dylan kept monkey shining over at me during the pictures, so our pastor had to reposition him!

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