Our sweet "Dilly"

Dylan is catching on to things so quickly. He grasps what we mean when we say to sit in his high chair when he tries to wiggle out of his seatbelt at mealtime. I know he understands because with the reward of a highly prized blueberry muffin at breakfast one day he was able to sit down immediately. We can no longer fall for his innocent, blank stares now! The other day I asked Anna to give Cody a hug after settling a minor disagreement they were having. Dylan came right up to me, layed his head on my chest and said “hug.” It was the sweetest feeling and also a moment of joy at the confirmation that we are able to communicate together so much more now. Dylan is so active, climbing stairs when given the opportunity. He has a fascination with sticking things between his toes at this stage. For some reason, he likes to stick socks, diaper cream, hangers, and all sorts of things there and tries to see if he can hold on to them without them falling. At the dinner table, he tries to feed us his bottle now. I love this age when they reverse roles and pretend to feed you. It is so cute. He likes to lean in after eating and various other times and lay his head against my cheek and suck his thumb. That is the main reason he tries to get up from his high chair these days, just so he can snuggle cheek-to-cheek for a moment. On car rides he pulls his socks off as soon as he gets securely fastened. I think it has become somewhat of a game for him. Anna likes to hold his hand during car rides because she knows how much he likes that. Cody and Dylan have really bonded and have even begun wrestling like the big boys and playing chase around the circle in our house. Dylan is a little parrot and mimics us frequently. The other day I was looking for the corn in our refridgerator but was having little luck remembering where I placed it. Without consideration, I put my finger to my lips and said, “Hmmm.” Instantly, I heard “hmmm,” and when I looked over I found Dylan with his finger to his tiny little rose-colored lips. He hugged me and smiled as I laughed at what he had just done. These are gonna be some fun months ahead!

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