Southern Belle

The other morning we joined some friends for a play group. There was a new mother there who had just moved here from Texas. Her name was Kate. She had a fun, sweet Southern accent. Toward the end of the morning she was getting ready to leave, but before she walked out the door Cody and Anna came hurrying into the room. They bumped into Owen, my friend Kara’s boy, as he was headed OUT that door. Owen fussed a little. Cody apologetically told him he didn’t see him there. When Kara asked Owen what happened, Kate chimed in with a sweet smile and said, “He got bumped into…like twice,” (referring to Anna as well). Kara assured him he would be okay, and he went happily on his way. We didn’t think anything of it until we heard Cody asking Kate, “What’s twoss?” I looked up and saw my friend Holly peering over her salad wide-eyed, about to laugh. Cody persisted, “What’s twoss?” Kate appeared confused. Cody repeated himself several more times while she was leaving. Neither of them ever understanding what the other one was saying. I could barely speak as I tried to hold back the laughter! Twoss was how Cody perceived Kate as saying “twice” in her sweet Southern belle voice. Funny, how unintelligable the English language can feel at times! I caught myself laughing out loud over this as I was doing dishes later that afternoon. Thanks for the fun morning, Cody!

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