Horse Play

We went to my friend’s daughter’s birthday party last weekend. This little girl loves horses, so Jackie surprised her with a pony for the party (just to ride, not to keep). She had asked me several weeks before the party if Shawn wouldn’t mind leading the horse (named Butch) around the yard as the children took turns riding him. There were a lot of children that came out for the party, so Shawn did a lot of walking! Afterwards, he had the usual itching and bumps from his allergic reaction to horses, but Shawn was a good sport. The kids loved being cowboys and cowgirls for the day! Dylan occupied his time at the party by pilfering through Anna’s purse and sneaking out various Pez candies and her little notebook which is supposed to contain her little 4 year old secrets (I think, truthfully, though, it has been a book with doodles and notes for the mail lady and various friends she deems needs a note from her.) Funny, Dylan’s shirt was fitting for the occasion! Dylan also enjoyed sitting back from a distance and watching Daddy walk the other boys and girls around the yard and being offered cake by the other children who were no longer hungry. It’s tough being little and cute!

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