Cody and Anna Quotes

I get rather forgetful to jot down all the wonderful things Cody and Anna say that bring a smile to my face. I know I can’t write them all down, so here are a few things that stand out…

While going to Aunt Elise’s track meet, Anna pointed and asked me, “Is that the track Aunt Elise will run on?” I looked over and saw the railroad tracks!
Anna helped me pull weeds last night. In the midst of pulling them, Anna grew concerned that she pulled the wrong thing and asked, “Mommy, is this a monkey bar?” (She was referring to the monkey grass.)

Cody, when he is unsure of something and finally figures it out, tells me, “I think my brain just went out for a little bit.”

Cody walked into our house and told me, “It smells good in here! It smells like (brief pause) Grandpa!” I thought this was so cute as my dad is the hard-working type of man, smelling more like the outdoors than a warm-scented candle! However, one of my favorite smells to this day (I have loved it since a little girl) is the smell of cut grass…I can remember my dad’s hands smelling that way many times, and it brings fond memories.

These are just a few. I must try to be more faithful to remember to record these things so I can look back on them when Cody and Anna are all grown. I love how they make me smile!
And so Dylan doesn’t feel left out (as he is not talking much)…he did say to Shawn and me one day “Don’t do that” and then repeated it again! He was telling himself not to do something that he knew he wasn’t supposed to do. A whole sentence was pretty amazing to hear considering Dylan barely has much of a vocabulary. He never ceases to surprise us!

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