And The Angels Rejoiced

Not really sure how to begin this post. I am filled with so much emotion that I don’t even know how to convey just all that I feel. Last night, August 11, 2010 I sat on the sofa with Cody and prayed with him as he asked Jesus into his heart! My heart is literally bursting with joy! We had put him to bed earlier that night. We had gotten home from getting ice cream with some friends of ours. In fact, Cody got a little stomach bug while there and actually got sick in the Dairy Queen bathroom. So when he came slowly walking down the stairs last night, I assumed he wasn’t feeling well and wanted some comfort. Instead, he looked at me and said, “Mommy, do you remember how you said I could pray with you when I wanted?” I clarified (with hope in my heart), “You mean to ask Jesus into your heart?” Cody nodded and said, “Well, I want to now.” We sat on the sofa, and I watched as Cody eagerly answered everything I asked him to make certain he understood God’s gift of salvation. No doubt, he did! His smile….Oh, I keep thinking about that smile as he looked so excited! As I listened to him pray, I soaked in the moment. This is the day I have prayed for even while he was in my womb. There is no greater joy to see your child loving our Savior. It was so surreal, and I fought back the tears. Everything fell silent all around. I was completely immersed in that moment, and I felt surrounded by calm as I listened to his sweet voice thanking God that he would one day go to Heaven and be with Him. When Shawn came into the room we told him all about what Cody had done. Shawn’s eyes were filled with tears for him as well. This is what you hope for…our earnest desire, and last night our prayers were answered. I have said before that my worst fear would probably be that my children would grow and not know the Lord. Last night that fear was taken from me, and I felt such peace when I woke today. I told Cody last night the angels were celebrating with him. This morning I found an angel cookie cutter my mom had given me years ago. We made angel pancakes for breakfast. 🙂

Luke 15:10 ~ “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

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