Blackberry Picking

Today we took the ferry over to Eckert’s Farm to go pick blackberries. We had never taken the ferry before, so Cody and Anna loved it. We stopped first at a restaurant that my friend mentioned to me several weeks ago. Your booth actually has an aquarium built into the wall where you are eating, so Cody, Anna, and Dylan got to eat lunch with all sorts of fish and a turtle today! When we made it to the farm we ended up picking about 5 lbs. of berries. Cody and Anna worked hard picking these berries, which were huge, by the way. Anna’s clothes can testify to her effort. She left there, shorts and shirt streaked with finger-painted berry stains. They kept saying, “This is fun!” Dylan didn’t help much with the picking but enjoyed carrying the loot around with his strong muscles. He was quite the sight hauling his bucket around. We sampled the berries along the path, but Dylan did not enjoy the taste. He spit his first bite out and began to make dramatic gagging sounds…yeah, he does that. (Smile) We took the ferry back home, and my little bakers will make their first blackberry pie tomorrow!

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