Magic Show

Last Friday evening a friend invited us to a carnival and magic show being held at her church. When we arrived the kids played games, won prizes, jumped in the bounce house, and won cupcakes at the cake walk. We headed inside for the magic show after grabbing a few bites of our dinner. The show was unbelievable! The man and his wife did an amazing job of leaving you speechless. The tricks were fantastic, the humor witty, and the whole presentation was phenomenal. But what I remember most was towards the end when the man, probably in his 20’s, began sharing his testimony with the audience. He showed us a newspaper and began tearing it up, piece by piece. He talked how his teens years were filled with depression, much like the news in that paper. He shared how he found Jesus and how his life has so much purpose and joy now. He continually tore at the pages of the newspaper in his hands until they were so tiny that there was hardly anything left to tear. Then he shared how Christ made his life whole again, and I have no idea how he did it, but right before our eyes those torn pieces suddenly were made new. In his hands, he unfolded a paper with no tears, no damage, completely brand new…amazing! I watched Cody through it. His mind was scanning the stage and crowd. I wasn’t sure if he was listening closely to the words. Five days later, though, he approached me around 10:00 in the evening when he was supposed to be sleeping, and he told me he wanted Jesus in his life. I think about that man who shared Christ that day at the magic show, and I wonder if he planted a seed in Cody’s life that evening that led him to accepting Christ. I think of my friend who invited us that day, and how she doesn’t even know what an impact it may have had on Cody. I need to tell her when I see her next. I think of my mom who encouraged me to drop a music workshop that evening and spend it with my family, which is what my heart really wanted to do that night anyways. And I think of the song “Thank You” by Ray Boltz, and I imagine seeing this man from the magic show in heaven some day and all of Cody’s teachers and family and friends who have told him about Jesus or have prayed for him. I think of Mrs. Lisa who shared the book My Grandma’s Angels with Cody, and I think of all of them and just want to say “THANK YOU!” Thank you for sharing your life with Cody. Thank you for giving your time and so selflessly showing Christ’s love to him. Cody’s life is changed FOREVER, and I am so,so,so glad all these people gave!

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