Tornado Sirens

Two nights ago we had a really bad thunderstorm. The thunder rumbled so loudly it literally shook the floor under my feet. I knew Anna was probably wide awake and worried. She came down earlier when the storm wasn’t quite so bad and told me “The thunder is ignoring me.” I think what she means is “annoying me” which literally means it is disturbing her from getting sleep…a.k.a scared silly. So I walked upstairs to Cody and Anna’s room and found them both awake, Cody peering over the rails of the bunk bed. I lay down with Anna, and Cody shortly climbed down his ladder and piled on top of me, all of us cozied up together in Anna’s twin bed. My phone began ringing. It was Shawn. He had been out picking up a movie for us to watch that Friday evening together after Cody and Anna were in bed. He told me he heard on the radio that a tornado was spotted. Just then the sirens began going off in the city, so I went into Dylan’s room, woke him, and took all three children to the basement. Dylan loved it. He totally thought he was going to play and party all night since his toys were down there! We were having fun playing when Anna spoke up, biting her nails with a worried expression. “But, Mommy, what if the tornado gets here before Daddy does?” she asked. Just then we heard footsteps upstairs. All three of them ran to the steps shouting, “Daddy!”…(Well, Dylan was shouting “Dadda!”) Shawn walked downstairs totally soaked from head to foot from the storm! We were all happy to see him just then, but my sweet little Anna…she could now feel peace. Daddy was home.

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