Hair Cut

About a month ago I was getting ready for bed and opened up the cabinet door under my bathroom sink. What I saw laying inside my cabinet made me gasp! I called Shawn into the room. His expression turned to dread as he glanced down at the chunk of Anna’s hair laying there in front of us. Earlier Anna asked if she could get out of bed to go to the restroom. I said “yes,” but I had no idea that she would get side tracked in the process and get out my manicure scissors in the bottom drawer beneath the sink. It was almost midnight, so we wouldn’t be seeing Anna until morning. I remember Shawn kept reiterating, “I hope it’s not her bangs!” Her hair was my first thought as my eyes caught their first glimpse of daylight that next morning. Would the barber shop be in our plans for the morning?? Oh, what had she done?! I approached her cautiously when I saw her, checking out every angle. A pleasant surprise, I didn’t notice a thing. It was a pretty good size chunk of hair, so I checked higher on her head. I found the spot. Anna amazingly managed to cut her hair as if she planned an intentional layered look. It looked really good actually, albeit uneven from the other side, but still noone would notice unless trying to find it. I asked her about the incident, and she told me nonchalantly how her hair was getting in her eyes, so she decided to snip it. She seemed almost proud that she had done such a grown-up thing and took matters into her own hands. I told her next time to ask Daddy or me to help, but I just had to compliment her work…She did a beautiful job, and I think she knew it!

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