Loose Tooth (Teeth)

Cody has his first loose tooth (2 actually). He has been waiting for this day for so long! This morning (September 23, 2010) Cody came into my room and told me he thought his tooth was loose. He wiggled his tongue around and tried pushing on his front bottom teeth but was unsure. He then told me he didn’t think they were actually loose afterall. I had him come over, and I poked at his bottom tooth with my nail. It wiggled. I pushed on the tooth next to it, and it wiggled as well. At this point, I began to question the stability of Cody’s baby teeth! I felt relief when I felt the tooth next to it, and it was firmly rooted. I checked another tooth, and it did not budge. This was Cody’s lucky day…not one but TWO loose teeth. He wrote a letter to the tooth fairy expressing his happiness to her and slipped it under his pillow that morning before school. He is hoping she writes back tonight. He told me later how happy his heart was. He also told me he planned on having spaghetti after his tooth falls out so that he can slurp the noodles through the gap. I heard all day how exctied he is. He has been wishing for this day for quite awhile! Alright, I now need to run (or fly…wink)…I have a letter to write to a very special boy.

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